Destiny Stats, Leaderboards, Rankings, Trials of Osiris, Playlist stats, LFG and more! Destiny 2 is the new game from Bungie and it is no secret that millions of gamers around the world will be playing this game from the minute the servers are live. Question failed to download configuration files from Bungie. That's not an option for me with slow download speeds! Well im just getting a simple 'destiny.
This project is based on the Laravel framework [v5.5].
Please read these instructions on how to configure your server to get started.
Understanding Branches
- developer branch of production destinystatus.comdestiny1
- legacy version of d1.destinystatus.comlegacy
- original Laravel 4.2 version of d1 destinystatusproduction
- production (followsmaster
Project dependencies:
- PHP >= 7.0
- zip extension
- sqlite3 extension
- Mcrypt extension
Docker setup (optional)

docker-compose up --build
docker exec -it ds bash
- continue with (install the framework) steps below. They will be ran inside the container that you did on step 2.
Install the framework
- Copy the file
- Edit
with any information needed (Bugsnag, environment, db information) - Visit the Destiny API Registration Portal to sign up for an API key
- Add your key to
under theDESTINY_KEY
- Add your oauth information to
(client id) andBUNGIE_SECRET
(client secret) codes. - Remember that the API key and oauth information need to be from same Application at Bungie.
composer install
php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate
Compile CSS/JS
Destiny 2 Failed To Download Configuration Files From Bungie Servers To Build
- Install yarn:
npm install -g yarn
- Install npm dependencies:
yarn install
- Build:
- Local:
yarn run dev
- Production:
yarn run prod
- Local:
Things to know
Destiny 2 Failed To Download Configuration Files From Bungie Servers Free
is the default for endpoint caches. We tend to use 5 minutes. That is enough time for people to load a profile, spam a few clicks around the site and keep getting fed cache values instead of API. Any value over 5 minutes adds a message to the homepage explaining the reason for out of date stats.PROXY_URL
is the URL to a service that takes a request and simply proxies it onward, this allows us to get around API limits as a server side application cannot issue requests as fast as the users use the product.BUGSNAG_API_KEY
is for the Bugsnag service. This tracks all PHP/Destiny errors, this lets us quickly know what clan/profile/page is broken.php artisan destiny:manifest --download
will force a redownload of the Manifest and process all entities into the file system.php artisan destiny:medal [give|take] gamertag console badge
is the command for giving/taking badges. For examplephp artisan destiny:medal give iBot xbl donator
gives iBot on Xbox Live the donator badge.